Polymer Master

Besides metals, we at Matplus provide you with data for a wide variety of polymers and polymer composites with our PolymerVault. Extensive research was carried out from over 5000 manufacturer data sheets, numerous properties for more than 100 different base polymers were consolidated.Based on a former work on metallic materials which shows significant advantages in working with material data, the polymer data is divided into three levels.Starting with the master level which contains basis polymers and blends, in connection with parametric data tables. For example, you can model properties as a function of fillers or filler amount. The second level obtains the engineering materials which own a specific manufacturer process or composition. The data is one dimensional and simplifies the export to CAD-/CAE- or PLM-systems. The supplier level includes concrete data sheets of the supplier. Thus, we can provide material property data and safety information if they are applicable and available.

Besides the already mentioned advantages, designers and developers have the possibility:

  • To choose a master data set at the beginning of the design process and decide for certain characteristics like fillers and amount later on
  • To check the consistency between master and manufacturer data
  • To create models based on the parametric master data sets

In addition to mechanical and physical properties, the PolymerVault contains regulations for testing, nomenclature, environmental claims etc. and all basis polymers sorted by the VDA 231-200 classification. What is more, you have access to the ECHA and GADSL candidate lists. These informations facilitate the choice of the perfect material for your application.

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